Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV – Export your products, customers, etc. to Magento.
We show a powerful group of functions that will help you to export your data from Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV to a FTP Site.
We use this solution to synchronize products, translations, categories, etc. from Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV to Magento with our new Magento Extension Magboxes Product Synchronization (
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The process, has the following steps:
1.- Delete local files.
2.- Export Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV data to a local file.
3.- Upload local file to a FTP Site.
In order to do this process, we need to create (for example) a codeunit where we will define all functions and variables necessary to execute the process. First, we will define the following global variables:
- Name: WshShell
- Data Type: Automation
- Subtype: ‘Windows Script Host Object Model’.WshShell
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – Automation VBScript.
- Name: intWindowStyle
- Data Type: Integer
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – Used to define WshShell windows style.
- Name: bWaitOnReturn
- Data Type: Boolean
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – Used to define WshShell type of execution.
1.- Delete Local Files
We will use function DeleteLocalfile with the following parameters:
- Name: LocalCmdFile
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 120
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – Path/file name .cmd used to inform delete commands.
- Name: LocalFile
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 120
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – Path/file name to delete.
Like local variables in function DeleteLocalfile we will found the following:
- Name: DelCommandFile
- Data Type: File
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – File to keep delete commands.
Function DeleteLocalfile code:
//>>> EBOXESFACTORY: DeleteLocalfile. ** //>>> 1.- Create Command Execution File DelCommandFile.CREATE(LocalCmdFile); DelCommandFile.TEXTMODE(TRUE); DelCommandFile.WRITE('del ' +LocalFile); DelCommandFile.CLOSE; //>>> 2.- Execute Command File IF ISCLEAR(WshShell) THEN CREATE(WshShell); intWindowStyle := 0; bWaitOnReturn := TRUE; WshShell.Run(LocalCmdFile,intWindowStyle,bWaitOnReturn); CLEAR(WshShell);
2.- Export Microsoft Dynamics™ NAV to Local File
We will use a function with name ExportData used to call different functions of process.
In this example, we have added several configuration fields in a configuration table (311 – Sales & Receivables Setup, 313 – Inventory Setup, etc.), used to informe values that we will need to execute the process. Fields to include are the following:
- Name: FTP User
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 30
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – FTP connection user.
- Name: FTP Password
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 30
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – FTP connection password.
- Name: IP FTP
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 30
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – FTP Server IP.
- Name: Folder FTP
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 120
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – FTP Folder to keep the uploaded file.
- Name: Export Local Path
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 120
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – Local Path Local where we will save exported datafile.
Now, we are going to define the code to include in this function:
//>>> EBOXESFACTORY: ExportData. ** IF CustomTableSetup.GET() THEN BEGIN <strong>//>>> Delete Local File</strong> DeleteLocalFile(CustomTableSetup."Export Local Filename"+'\dele_command.cmd', CustomTableSetup."Export Local Filename"+'\products.csv'); <strong>//>>> Execute Export Data.</strong> In this example we are exporting product data. //>>> You can execute a dataport, a XLMport, inform one variable type FILE, etc. ExportProducts; <strong>//>>> Upload File.</strong> FTPUploadFile(CustomTableSetup."FTP User",CustomTableSetup."FTP Password", CustomTableSetup."Export Local Path"+'\ftp_script.txt',CustomTableSetup."Folder FTP", CustomTableSetup."Export Local Path"+'\exec_command.cmd',CustomTableSetup."IP FTP", CustomTableSetup."Export Local Path",'products.csv'); END
Finally, we define the function FTPUploadFile that will make the upload of local file to FTP Site.
3.- Upload local file to a FTP Site.
We use function FTPUploadFile with the following parameters:
- Name: FTPUsername
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 90
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – FTP User Name.
- Name: FTPPassword
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 90
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – FTP Password.
- Name: FTPLocalScript
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 120
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – Path/Local file name with Script commands.
- Name: FTPRemoteFolder
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 90
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – FTP Folder where we will keep the uploaded file.
- Name: FTPLocalCmdFile
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 120
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – Path/Local file name where we will keep the WshShell execution commands.
- Name: FTPHostname
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 90
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – IP/Host Name FTP.
- Name: FTPLocalFolder
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 120
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – Local folder where we will save the file to upload.
- Name: FTPLocalFile
- Data Type: Text
- Length: 90
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – local file name to upload to FTP Site.
The local variables to define in FTPUploadFile function, are the following:
- Name: CommandFile
- Data Type: File
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – File to keep execution commands.
- Name: ScriptFile
- Data Type: File
- Description: // EBOXESFACTORY – File to keep upload commands.
The FTPUploadFile function code:
//>>> EBOXESFACTORY: FTPUploadFile. ** //>>> 1.- Create Script File // binary --> Set file transfer mode to binary. // cd FTPRemoteFolder --> Select and place on remote FTP folder. // lcd FTPLocalFolder --> Place on local folder. // mput *.* --> Copy files from local folder to remote FTP folder. // quit ->- Exit form FTP ScriptFile.CREATE(FTPLocalScript); ScriptFile.TEXTMODE(TRUE); ScriptFile.WRITE(FTPUsername); ScriptFile.WRITE(FTPPassword); ScriptFile.WRITE('binary'); ScriptFile.WRITE('cd ' + FTPRemoteFolder); ScriptFile.WRITE('lcd ' + FTPLocalFolder); ScriptFile.WRITE('mput ' + FTPLocalFile); ScriptFile.WRITE('quit'); ScriptFile.CLOSE; //>>> 2.- Create Command Execution File // -i --> Turns off prompt. // -s:FileName --> Text file that containf script ftp commands (without spaces!) ; CommandFile.CREATE(FTPLocalCmdFile); CommandFile.TEXTMODE(TRUE); CommandFile.WRITE('ftp -i -s:' +FTPLocalScript+' '+FTPHostname); CommandFile.CLOSE; //>>> 3.- Execute Command File. // intWindowStyle --> Optional. Window style value. 0 = Hides the window and activates another window. // bWaitOnReturn --> Optional. If TRUE suspend script until the command execution has been finished. IF ISCLEAR(WshShell) THEN CREATE(WshShell); intWindowStyle := 0; bWaitOnReturn := TRUE; WshShell.Run(FTPLocalCmdFile,intWindowStyle,bWaitOnReturn); CLEAR(WshShell);
To execute the process, we only need to call function ExportData.